need tips on painting


New Member
If it is perfectly straight I would just water sand the entire thing down with 500 grid wet or dry.... be sure to get all the gloss off the clear coat then go over it with 600 grit wet or dry same thing periodically wash and dry it while u sand it helps to see all the imperfections... after u get it all blocked out make sure u get a good color match and sum omni clear coat will do fine maybe a tac cloth and some wax and grease remover... I would advise to rent a Booth too... but other then that all u need is sum good dry air....


New Member
Just completely remove the green paint with 400, than prime it white, than scuff it to smooth it out, than use wax n grease remover and than you paint it. I have green door too and I just painted white. It takes more coat to cover the green color if you don't prime it white

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New Member
Dude listen to dlo and 99tegjawn that other guy has no Idea what he is talking about. I myself would sand it with a da sander with 320 grit first and get all the scratches out then prime the whole door block sand with 240 prime again and wet sand with 320 then paint. There are all kinds of different ways to do it just depends on the person but the quality of the paint job depends on the prep work do it right and it will look good.


New Member
Here is what I did last month painting

Door was painted white over the green without any sanding or prep work by the owner before me and it started chipping so I just sand it than painted without priming which was a mistake its a rattle can job
Before rattle can

After rattle can

I painted front bumper too but that one is done with prep prime and paint with gun and looks better

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Well just remember the finer the grit of sand paper you work yourself down to the smoother the primer will come out, but it really depends on the time you want to spend on a paint jog because something as simple as laying a simple job should only take a day on the exposed area you plan on painting. Given that its a warm enough day to have everything dry properly. But I've always fixed the dent/dings before i laid down my primer then went with a finer grit, laid another coat and kept repeating until I was satisfied with the job and continued with the base color as well. Aggin its at your own disgression how long you want to take on it. Oh just a little tip to save on paint. It may not be the best but it works for simple jobs and you get more paint for the price. If yiy get the simple rattle cans and cut the open and use a paint gun you'll get a little more bang for your buck.


New Member
Its cheaper to buy a paint for the gun than buy a spray can and cut it to put in a gun.
Did you finish painting? I wanna see before and after

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