New to CI


New Member
Hey guys what's up? Bought my first Integra about a month ago and I'm in love with it. My last car was a 2002 Accord V6 coupe. Loved the J30 but those automatics were plagued with problems so I had to upgrade to the five speed. It also had 235k on the odometer and it's still going strong.

Here's a pic of my Accord, I'll get some pics of the Integra up soon.


Very clean,I like the wheels and that sticker


New Member
Thanks guys!
As far as my plans for the car, it's my daily and I'll be going the OEM+ route, keeping visual mods to a minimum and improve the areas that lacked from the factory. I also plan on trying out AutoX this year.
Rims are in great shape, I'll probably keep them for a while. The header makes that ~3k rev buzz sound so that's first on my list followed by some suspension. That should hold off the mod bug for a bit.
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