Paul Walker of Fast & Furious films has passed away in a car crash today.


No fucks given.
I seen a pic a while back where someone left a NOS tank. The big one.

All those lit candles with flowers stacked on top/around them seems like a bad idea though.


Boredest Member
Someone hung vans from a tree. Everything is still there. Turbo, vc, nos. Flowers are stacked together, candles on their own. I said a prayer for everyone and their mommas. There's tons of photos and videos you can find via hash tags or on the event page.

What was funny is I joked about droppin two bottles of nos energy drink and when I was taking pics I saw a girl put down one.


Boredest Member
Did they seriously shoot the movie in 18 days?? Damn. And i dont know whether i can watch that movie or not.


The other asshole
I tried watching some youtube videos with him in them a while back and couldn't do it, I haven't been eating much either, Stress, Feels, Beating off, Work, Too much to juggle.


Boredest Member
I have no problems watching his films. Its the premise of the movie combined with a few factors. Actually I'll probably have no problem.


The other asshole
I'll probably watch it soon, Maybe after the holidays after I've been forcefully fed unhealthy buttery foods by overweight southern women I'll be able to watch no problem.