Probably not coming back


Active Member
This site is really going downhill. All the people I remember when I first came on are now gone. It's no fun for me anymore. I probably won't come back on, but if I do I hope there are more great people like the ones I remember.



People just need to grow up. Sounds like mods are cracking down and we'll have CI back to where it was soon enough


Name = John
Ya sucks to see anybody go really, I'm a nerberz but this site is all about the love of teggies, its sad when people leave just cuz of other people. If you get on I am sure we are all expecting like thousands of pictures though, (unless its tomorrow or somethin)

Jack Rot

New Member
I would feel like leaving as well, all anyone seems to do lately is be a "troll" and "flame" any time someone posts something that isnt generally thought of, the only reason i stay around is for advice on technical issues with the car, there are a few nice people in here with great experience and information on the vehicles, and to those who are helpful, we thank you!


This site is really going downhill. All the people I remember when I first came on are now gone. It's no fun for me anymore. I probably won't come back on, but if I do I hope there are more great people like the ones I remember.

cool story, bro


I just wanna say i've had my teg for about 4 years and for the most part anytime i need some advice or a question people were great on here. So it'll be really sad to see one of the good ones go.