rear reinforcement bar delete


The Transporter
Most rear end accidents happen at less than 20mph.

You can buy an electric cutoff wheel for 35$. Or even use a dremel.

Safety is important IMO, spend the few dollars vs removing a safety device
Yes. Please keep it. If someone lightly rear-ends you at a stop light there going to come right into your hatch without that beam. That beam keeps your car from being totaled very very easily. Think about it, even a 10mph impact from a large SUV (which if your getting hit by someone its most likely a woman in a suv doing something other than driving ;) ) without that beam will result in a destroyed hatch, shattered rear glass, rear support crumpled, rear quarters bent, taillights shot, trunk well bent. In other words kiss your car goodbye, its totaled. With that bar your looking at a bumper, bumper beam, and maybe one or 2 other smaller bits.

And the bars do actually help you at all speeds. The truth is ANY device that crumples and absorbs any sort of the force of impact is going to reduce the impact on the rest of the car and on you.

Just get a dremel or a cutoff wheel in a drill.
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