So I backed into a curb today


94' LS
So my mind blanked out when I was backing into a parking spot, and i ended up whaling the exhaust off the curb, bending my midpipe, and its now scraping EVERYWHERE. I have a small window of time tomorow monring to fix this quick. Does anyone know the best way to re-bend the pipe safely? I thought of heating it up, and putting it in a vice grip to streighten it out, but I was told I'm very very very very very liable to crack the pipe that way. I have a guy going to see if he can find me a mid-pipe tomorow morning, but it may be too late by then. If pops or mums finds this one out after the shit show of a time putting on my Drop, they'll tweak. any help is highly appriciated. Thanks!


Active Member
There's no way you could just use a heat gun and bend that back into place o_o. I mean... the exhaust is meant to be hot and sturdy. Go to a muffler shop bro!


94' LS
I can run it quick over to a mulluler shop... good plan guys!


Keep It Clean
Yeah a muffler shop is your best bet. Just have 50bones to spend on the pipe and laber. Goodluck man