Spoon Style (Replica) Side Mirrors


Just wanted your opinions on the Spoon Style side mirrors...

I had a little accident yesterday, my stock passenger side mirror is out of commission..
And finding a replacement so far has been a pain in the ass.
None on craigslist, none at any of the three Pick N' Pull's in my 50 mile radius.

I ordered a set of Spoon Style mirrors.. And kinda regret it now, but too late to cancel my order.
The two cost about $40 new.. The cheapest OEM replacement mirror I could find (via Ebay) ran about the same price for just the one.

So what do you guys think about the Spoon Style mirrors?

I will be painting them to match the car (VSM)..
Any VSM owners who have them, pics will be appreciated.
ANY pics will be appreciated!


Registered Abuser
I wish there was some 4 dr love in the mirror department. I'm gonna make flat panels for our mirror spots and do one of these:

only one on the driverside, I never use my side mirrors after I got the wink anyways.



They came in today. They look very cheap.. But they'll do for now.
Still looking for a 94-95 (smooth back) OEM passenger mirror.
Will post pics of these installed later.
