Starting issues help


New Member
I have changed the ignition switch, starter, distributer, alternator, main relay, battery and battery terminals AND checked for a parasitic draw (none). I'm still having the same starting issue, no crank no start and it is hit or miss.. some days no problems, other days, works all day but then all the sudden nothing. What am I missing? Mahalo


New Member
Ignition wires? making sure that none have been frayed or grounded out You might have to get a volt meter and start testing for power going though the system.
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Reppin' tha NW
Hawaiian guy? Haha.

Check the grounds on your starter.

If that doesn't work, check your starter relay fuse as well as all other related fuses under the hood.

Could be a simple loose connection or multiple bad fuses/relays.

What are other symptoms you can tell us?

Is the fuel pump priming? Is the power cutting off after the first crank?

Try tapping a hammer on the starter as a buddy cranks it over.


New Member
All fuses good, fuel pump primes, if it cranks no problems with driving or powerloss. I have checked the starter ground and cleaned it up.

There are no real symptoms to tell if the car wants to do a no crank no start. Just feels like a dead battery but the battery is charged and good. After a couple of hours after no crank no start, car starts just fine and then it is hit or miss if it starts back up after being driven.


Reppin' tha NW
Your main relay is bad, as for the difficult to start.

Resolder it.

As for weird no cranks, that's a whole mother issue.

Here's a way to test your main relay, get a can of starter fluid, remove intake.

When no start occurs give your intake a tiny spray with start fluid. If it fires right now, your main relay is surely bad.


New Member
Main relay is good.. today it started up fine but after I was done driving and went back to the car, no crank no start like the battery is dead.. but the battery was charged.. luckily had a friend in the area to jump my car..


Not a M0derator
When it doesn't crank get out your volt meter and see if the starter solenoid wire is getting 12v when someone keys the ignition to start.

If there is 12v on the solenoid then the issue is the starter (again).
If there is not 12v on the solenoid then the issue is further upstream such as the ignition switch (again).