starting issues


New Member
im safely assuming that my started went beacuse its clicking or i may have a ground issue? it started a few days ago but then i moved wires in my hatch area so i can replace my bumper and take the necessary out if ya can gimme a a reply to see if i can get this solved


Clicking at the starter or clicking elsewhere?

In my experience, whenever something "clicks" when trying to start, it's usually a bad connection. Usually at the battery. However, if the click is from the starter, it is probably doing half the work.. engaging the gear, but not turning it.. could need a rebuild on the starter or a new one.

Hope it helps. Good luck.


New Member
most of the time if it is clicking at the starter its just the solenoid that has gone out. not the starter it self. you can take a screw driver and jump the two points and if it turns over then its your solenoid if not its time to rebuild or get a new one.


Couldn't have said it better. I can never find the solenoid alone though.
