stem cell research- for or against


Registered Badass
this was a topic on my local board a few weeks ago and im curious to see what ci thinks. bush vetoed the stem cell research bill after congress voted 63 to 27 for it. and the house of representitives couldnt get enough votes to override the presidents veto. 2/3 of america also is for this issue.

so, are you guys for against using human stem cells? what about using human embryonic stem cells? stem cells can be used to help cure stroke, heart diesease, diabetes, parkinsons diesease, and spinal cord injuries. you can read up here:

personally, im all for it because im now a quadriplegic. my dumbass friend drove his hatch way too fast and we rolled 7 times. im fucked and he walked away. so basically its my only way to heal. let alone, i want to drive my teg sometime soon...


Stinkin & Drinkin
for it, it might help a lot of people in pain and who are suffering. it will help people deaf people and crippled people. i am 100% for it.


slow_99integra said:
for it, it might help a lot of people in pain and who are suffering. it will help people deaf people and crippled people. i am 100% for it.

agreed, i am also pro on stem cell research


save a a porno
^ im all pro for stem cell research, not only will it help those that are looking for a cure for cancer or aids, but like da's case help him walk again


Registered Badass
g2teg said:
^ im all pro for stem cell research, not only will it help those that are looking for a cure for cancer or aids, but like da's case help him walk again
thanks mang. my local board was definately against embryonic stem cells because they say its killing a human life. they take these cells from either aborted fetus' or the artificially insemanate in a petree dish. even if they make an embryo in a petree dish, they still say its killing a human life. bullshit.


Super Moderator
I can't believe he's such a dumbass about that stuff. This could make a huge discovery in the health field. I'm all for it and I believe we need as much research as we can get.


Super Duper Moderator
The bill Bush vetoed was for using tax money for stem cell research. It wasn't a vote against the research itself. Unlimited amounts of private money can go into the research, just no taxpayer money, because Bush and millions of other Americans believe human life begins at conception and that killing an embryo at any stage of it's development for it's stem cells is immoral and murder.


Super Moderator
Then I reject me statement about Bush. I was under the impression that he vetoed the research itself. Are you against the research, TegSox?


weightless wonder
Put me on the list for PRO... I know alot of people who could benefit from what they could discover, myself included... I wish and hope for the best in the research.