Suggestions on rim color


New Member
I want some suggestions on what color I should paint my rpf1.
Before I brought the car they were gold. Then I got a polished lip. Then a couple of weeks ago I painted them black. Now I want to paint them a color that will POP!!

Im thinking about Blue or Red. Any other suggestions or opinions. Ultimately its my decision but I would like some suggestions.....




http://<a href=";current=IMAG0046.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


I like the original color, not black though :(

Green looks really good, IMO; but Idk how it would look on those rims


Super Moderator
Light blue wheels w/ a polished lip look great on bright silver. It would have to be something similar to baby blue though, any darker and it doesn't look very good.


New Member
im leaning more to bright candy red. imma do it some time Monday or tuesday when I get back in town


New Member
I like blue > red.
Everyone in town had red at one point until everyone got sick of them. Mostly DR16s or Rotas.


New Member
my car is a weird beige/ silver/ tan color. the gold looked good so I might do a darker gold/bronze
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