The Collectors Lounge


Boredest Member
Collecting things is a great hobby and many people have one or a few things they enjoy collecting. Some have had things that werent a collectible at the time or werent aware you had a collectors item. This is the thread for sharing your collections, new addictions or new additions. Anything except for shoes.... collecting shoes is for women so unless you want to admit youre a woman then feel free to post afterwards. :mrgreen:

How many times have you had something when you were younger and later said to yourself "damn i shouldnt have sold/gave away/threw away/got rid of that!" Basketball cards is a common one for me. Some of the first things i collected as a kid. Its interesting to see the value some of the players cards have 20 years later even with the rookie cards. I have most of my comics but i wasnt one of the lucky kids who had rare comics or ones that turned high value down the line.

I dont avidly collect coins but i do keep the silver ones that happen to pass through my hands. Its nice coming across a quarter thats worth a few bucks. Every single silver coin i have was found and not bought. Probably have at least 20-30 quarters and many dimes. I once(or many times) searched through pennies for those rare extremely valuable ones.

Something i always find myself asking is when to sell or just keep?
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Shot Glass from every place/country I been to.

Some Money: State Coins, Silver Dollar, $1 Dollar coin, $2 Dollar Bill, etc.
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Active Member
Hot wheels, have a f***ing gold mine. Wouldn't be surprised if I could retire off them someday.....
That and rare old coins.. oh, and guns..
For the stuff that's not worth much, shot glasses.. get one every place I go, hardly drink anymore but still like em.


New Member
Just some coins and random stickers, and it's not really a collection but I got a Shiz load of empty spray paint cans.

Merlins Beard

*Beard not included
I have a few things I collect, nothing really valuable. I've got a small box full of Pogs, haven't opened it in forever (high five if you remember those)
I have a decent number of old coins, mostly just wheatback pennies. Working as a cashier is pretty good for sifting through coins. Also have some foreign coins, some from New Zeland, Australia, Europe, Maui, etc.
Recently started up a collection of cigar bands too, not many of those yet.
I've been collecting bottle caps for around 13 or 14 years, way before I started playing Fallout :lol: I've got around 120 different ones that I've found or from stuff I've drunk.


Lego and hockey cards when I was young,(still have them,some worth $) now its car parts/stero parts and penguins. But only penguins I collect are ones gf and step daughter gives me. My gf says I collect tech n9ne swag/rare items.
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Fat guy in a little coat.
High 5 through the internet. I won a pogs torney at disneylad like in 96 or something.

I collect things i can show to students. Fossils, amber, old american coins, world coins. Ive gotten rid of all my morgan dollars, wish i still had my 1923 one too. I got about 100 or so football cards. Most expensive one is a barry sanders card worth like 5 dollars. I got 2 of the 3 series of lobo comics (superman).


Boredest Member
Here's my collection

And my unicorns.

Just kidding. Share pictures people! I've gotta dig up stuff and take pictures. All my stuff is still packed away. I love movies so I have a library and always wanted a movie room with a wall of all my movies. Used to collect posters but one of the worst issues with collecting anything is space.

I still have all my pogs just cus they've been put away forever. I wonder of there's any value. Doubt I had anything special if they retained any collectibility. My magic cards on the other hand.... wow have they made ground in that department.


Super Moderator
I have thousands upon thousands of old baseball cards that my father collected when he was young and gave to me on top of what I also collected when I was young. I haven't been through them in probably 15-20 years. I'd be willing to bet there is some money in there. I also have a bit of foreign money from just about every place I've ever been. Not that I am really collecting it, but I travel a ton and always come home with extra and never really do anything with it. It just gets piled up. I probably have money from at least 20 different countries. And being from Texas, I obviously collect firearms.