the new world order has officially begun


Super Duper Moderator

I'm not going to trust some random Youtube concoction from a Michael Moore wannabe as a reliable source of information on ANYTHING.
There are desires by some elites for a North American Union, mainly big business interests (for the almight $) and far-left wing (Democrat) individuals and org's (in the name of "diversity"). But it's not nearly as far along as that video would have you think.
The now-being-built North American international highway is the most recent step towards this theoretical N.A. Union, the previous successful step was the passage of NAFTA in the 90's. The people supporting Illegal Immigration, if they get their way, would be another huge step. The elites know the idea of a N.A. Union will never be voted on and passed all at once, so they're attempting to get it done over time, piece by piece, and if/when they get enough pieces they can say "well, were almost there now, might as well do it".

The soverignty of the United States is being attacked from many directions by left wing org's. The downplaying of the importance of religion (mainly Christianity) that you see in the attacks on public displays of Christmas. The loathing of the U.S. military openly on display in San Francisco, 1 example, ROTC is banned from public schools there. The attempts to diminish parental authority over their own children: making condoms available to 6th graders in Portland Maine, just 1 example.
These people are on a mission to eliminate what it means to be an American, because when that happens, what's the point of having our own country.

This North American Union thing could happen if intelligent people don't wake the hell up and pay attention.

As far as the media being in kahoots with this One World Government idea, that is so beyond ridiculous I can't even explain it. People in the media hate each other. They all want the big story. There is profit involved. You think Bill O'Reilly and Keith Olbermann are working together on this to keep it quiet? HAHA
("this" meaning what they say in the video, not me)


Super Duper Moderator
The ACLU, the American Civicl Liberties Union, is nothing of the sort. The ACLU is a domestic enemy of the United States. Founded in 1920 by Roger Baldwin, this was his stated strategy of the organization (from his own Biography):

"I am for Socialism, disarmament, and ultimatley for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal."

Socialism, extreme taxation for funding of Government entitlement programs. Take a look at the unemployment rate and zero economic growth of the Western European countries who practice this today. Yeah, great idea.
Disarmament, weaking of the power of the military.
Abolishing the state itself, there's your One World Government, no more borders anywhere, and the world casts a vote as to wether a country has the right to defend itself against an aggressor.
Social ownership of property, you can't own the land you live on, the state does.

The ACLU still follows these principles, they loathe this coutry as it is and want to change it, their all for the One World Government nightmare. The idea's been in existence for a long time.