There needs to be a CI Android/iPhone app...


Reddit is fun.
Seeing some forums here and there having their own app on the Android market place. The Autoguide one (check it for TI) sucks, but I've seen some great apps out there for different forums and I think one for our lovely community would be great. Some of us aren't near computers all the time and yeah, checking CI in the browser works but can get old pretty fast.

Being able to search, reply to threads, start threads, message members, etc. when I'm carpooling on the way to work, at the beach or waiting in the Dr's office would be sick.

Now, I understand if this can't or won't be done anytime soon. Just thought it would be a pretty decent idea.

[YOUTUBE="Really, I would."]85cL1HisrNc[/YOUTUBE]


New Member
I navigated CI on my dads android. It was very simple. And the search button if your looking for something in paticular you can search by title too.


do what now?
I can get on ci from my droid phone. Its a little tricky but I can post and edit.
the only thing is when a thread has a bunch of pics it takes my phone awhile to load them.


a CI app would be a great idea..dont think i would have much of a life anymore tho haha


Reddit is fun.
Yeah, I mean it is simple enough to just use the browser. I guess I'm getting spoiled with the convenience of apps lol

@1Teggy, I completely agree haha