Ticket 120 mph


New Member
dammm man ur lucky u didnt get hauled off to jail and ur car taken away, double over the speed and plus if u go over 100mph its trying to commit suicide, so yea i think with just a ticket that u got, u got real lucky!!! pay the fine and learn from your mistakes.....and maybe look out for copss...lol


Just call me chris.
well im not sure how your state laws are but here in ky that would be a felony... but if its your first offense and its just a misdemenor (sp?) see if your state has a diversion program. do community service instead of jail time and fines. been there done that.
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teg driver
well i got clocked at 96 in a 45 when i was 16 while racing... it wasnt fun but i hired a GOOD lawyer and went to court... they gave me a 300 dollar fine and driving school with 20 hours of community service.

but in Missouri if your clocked over 100 its a felony for attempted man slaughter... and a lot of jail time... idk about KY tho... good luck in court!


Get JDM or Die Trying
dang man ur lucky if ur in cail ur car gets towed,ref, then crusted, and ur DL subspened for a year and 3000 in fines u are very luckly