tight ass movie


New Member
I went up to blockbuster and was like , I want a violent ass movie where alot of people die and shit and has an 18+ only sticker on it and is not some cheezy ass hollywood bullshit. So this guy recommended this BADASS japaneese ( i think?) movie about theese two hitmen dueling it out for the spot of #1 killer in asia. They had the movie stolen from two of the three blockbusters I live around. If you don't mind the sub-titles and off hollywood action, be ready for some kick ass gunfights ( well not really just people getting blown away)....any way the name of the movie is full time killers...anyone seen it? If not go rent that Shit!



New Member
i have never seen that but i know of another movie that is awesome. its called young and dangerous. its about this group of guys in a triad. its subtitled but i think its worth it.


New Member
I must see these!!! I went to blockbuster and they didnt have it. I need to hit up hollywood video I guess.


New Member
where 2 find....

In two blockbusters they had them in the new release section, and the one I FINALLY found it in had it in the asian section. This movie is tight as hell, after you guys see it tell me what you think.


New Member
fulltime killers or young and dangerous? i just rented fulltime killers today but havent watched it yet. hopefully tomorrow ill watch it.