what did you do to your car today?


Southern Imports
Changed oil, filled up the gas tank, took a spin through town, and finally got my turn signal working. After opening it up I found a crucial part for the blinker was broken and finally got the part in this morning and got the blinker to work. No longer bait for cops.


Rattle Can Technician
cleaned my IACV and added a PCV valve because i had it blocked off, cars running a lot smoother and throttle response feel better, but maybe its only me thinking it is lmao


The Transporter
Woke it up for the summer. E85 is now in and pumping, the cutout is back on and screaming like a banshee, and the water sprayer is functioning again (put a bit of washer fluid in incase it drops below freezing again just to be safe). Now just to get it a bath and finish up the engine bay fab parts.


Real Good!
took the jimmy to the mexi car wash, figured out i didnt have the registration to it so went and got another one
changed the thermostat, added new antifreeze
drove the teg to the audio shop to get some battery terminals to do TheBig3 tomorow :)