Windscreen cleaner


Money Getter
my wiper blades sux... i will go get new ones but in addition to that i believe there is a window cleaner (no not windex you wise ass) which will allow the water to sheet off the glass.

does anyone know what it is called?


Super Duper Moderator
I think your talking about Rain-X. It's not a cleaner, though. It's just a liquid that you spread over the windshield and it makes water bead up like crazy, like fresh wax on your car does. I own some and I like it, it works, but the downside to it is you can't use Windex on your windshield after you put the Rain-X on. It'll create cloudy smears all over the windshield that you can't get off until it wears away on its own.


ya rain x is the stuff your talking about it works good i gotta put some on my teg but i used it on all my other cars hey tegsox i find that if you take a buffer wit a terry cloth pad to the windows after you apply the rain x you dont get that smearing when you clean your windows


a.k.a. crabs!
i didnt like using rain-x. the 1st day it rained after putting it on it made my windows all nasty and i had to clean it off like crazy. it was a pain in the ass for me. never used it since. im perfectly fine using my wipers :)


Super Duper Moderator
Maybe wiper blader can't glide over wax like they can over the Rain-x. Maybe the blades would just skip across the window, just a guess, I've never tried it.