Would you give up your teg for a supra?


Well i have a chance to get a MK IV Supra but i have to give up my integra for it. My integra is nearly exactly what i wanted for along time. Type R motor, Full built, Good looks, runs good is fast etc. But i have a chance to get a supra MK IV instead which is a whole nother level 220 horsepower 220 torque stock. And boosted they just get massive power it's rediculous. Plus RWD so it feels alot different. i'm like 80% sure i want to do it but i have a feeling i'll really miss the teg. Also the supra is 100% stock unmolested so noone has messed with it or ruined it. Also it was well takin care of. :) Opinions please!


New Member
Depends on what you like. If your like me then I would. Give you a chance to build up another car. Why do you have to give up your teg?


Well there's no way i can afford a MKIV supra but it's been my dream car forever and my dad said he'll trade his 40th anniversary corvette for a supra and give it to me if i give him my integra. But i'm like so attached to my integra it's rediculous. I'll obviously take the supra since it's my dream car but i'll miss my integra so much. Lol


New Member
Yea I'm pretty sure that supras so much more harder to get than integra... but if you keep your integra, are you gonna regret not doing that deal of a lifetime... ooorr i got an idea, photoshop yourself in the supra and then compare to a pic of you in your teggy, then see in which car you look better!! lol


Only thing i wonder is. Whenever my dad takes my integra if he keeps it i can still drive it and probably buy it back later on. But if he sells it i'm goin to be so pissed and like i don't even know. Lol


actually has an FB6 now.
since i'm a broke bastard, i love the MPG my Integra gets especially commuting near 30-40 miles guaranteed on a daily basis. Doubt the Supra would get that for you. I could be wrong of course, just don't know much about it to be honest.


Got vtec?
As much as I'd love a supra, I'd have a very difficult time parting with my car. I love my teggy to pieces, and it's my first car so there's a bigger emotional attachment.


Well your dad is the one that's going to keep the car so it's not like your really giving it away cuz u could just barrow it or like someone said buy it back ;-)

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thats right.
dont get rid of ur car unless u KNOW FOR SURE u will get the supra, i made the mistake of selling mine and the car i sold my to get i ended up not being able to get :( so i wish i wouldve kept my teggy


The plan is my dad drive me to alabama in his corvette and i drive him back in my supra and integra will be his. Now whether or not it's happening i'm not sure. The guy with the supra likes the corvette and everything and he'll trade but he wants to wait a few days to see if someone wants to trade a s2000 or something. But hopefully noone will offer him a s2k and i'm all good. Lol


Never driven a Supra, but they do have a nice look to them. (They look fast). It would depend on what I have more fun driving, not what someone else thinks of it or whether it has more HP. I drive my Integra because they are just so FUN to drive. They look nice, have tons of aftermarket parts and knowledge support and it's a Honda. Best auto company in the world because they do quality stuff.
Think about it, Good luck in whatever choice you make!