Blow Off Valves, Blitz Dual Drive or Tial?


New Member
Blow Off Valves Blitz Dual Drive or Tial?

if you had to choose one, which one would it be? I've heard the blitz dual drive, but I haven't heard the tial bov, but from what I've read, a lot of people are saying the blitz dual drive and tial bov sound & work really good. That and they're not so loud, compared to the greddy type s, hks ssqv, turbo xs rfl, which I'd like to stay away from.


New Member
I love the Tial bov sounds, its nice and loud when you push it. Just make sure you get the right springs with it. The built quality is also top notch!


New Member
if you have it, can you make a sound clip or video clip? if not, do you know where I can find a sound clip or video clip of it?


New Member
hmm actually I was searching for a clip before I bought mine, but couldn't find any... I had to hear it on a friend's civic. I don't have any video clips yet (old school digital cam... basic functions hehe). If I do get any new clips I will post them up.
