Cheap Shifting hehe


New Member
any of you ladies power shift (shifting w/o the clutch ingaged)? i was runnin agiants a buddy and his car isnt that fast as mine but everytime i'd shift he'd pull. untill i figured out he was power shifting. well i was jw if any of you did it and want some input on this.


your buddy was probably driving like that because he doesn't have anything to lose. powershifting is a great way to harm your transmission....


Money Getter
let me get this straight .. he was shifting without the use of the clutch ??!!

heisanIdiot :crazy:


New Member
i rev match, great way to shift, but only if u know what ur doing

also hondata helps me do it even better, aka full throttle shifting


Unregistered User
i think unless you know what your doing, then dont speed shift... just be fast off the clutch, does close to the same thing... don't it?


New Member
Kuchtaboy said:
i think unless you know what your doing, then dont speed shift... just be fast off the clutch, does close to the same thing... don't it?

only way to learn is practice, i used to goto the track years ago in highschool and practice there on old cars. then i finally bought one and went thru a oem clutch and a clutchmasters oem replacement, then bump a few years, i been rev matching in my integra on the stage 1 clutch for almost over a year now. it is very hard and frustrating, and u can kill ur syncros, but once u learn to rev match or side step, u never forget. it can shave off tons of time on the 1320.

what im saying is, if ur not willing to break stuff practicing then ull never get good at it. doesnt come easy and overnight.


token ex-mod
it's still very very bad for your syncro's.... there are fluids that protect your syncro's, if you're set on doing shifts like that i'd recommend getting some.... but it's still very bad


New Member
never said it wasnt going to kill your transmissions
but my syncros are holding up well

GM syncromesh


it may take skill to do it....but is it really worth rather shift the ol fshion way....but if i meet your friend i would... :wak: