Integra Meet! Saturday, December 11th, Roswell, GA.


New Member


$40 Total for 6 People Includes: 2 hours bowling, shoe rental and one pitcher of Coke for up to 6 people available 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Otherwise, the prices are as follows
$3.99 per game
$3.99 Shoe rental

For the night, I will personally bring enough money for bowling (About $10) and Dinner (About $15)

These meets do not happen often, so it will be worth it!

The current plan is to eat at Provinos down the street, after bowling. Before going inside Brunswick, we may have time to take come pictures! Hope to see you all there, and post up if you are coming!



New Member
Wow! Last time I loged into club integra, was six months ago! Maybe I will stop by more often! Good seeing the regulars tonight!