Me versus the "WRX"


Super Moderator
It seems that everywhere I go now there's always a damn WRX around. They're usually STi's and the driver is a complete ass. Now, I can be minding my own business driving in the right lane and up comes a damn WRX with his exhaust thinking he's the shit.

Now, I know I cannot beat a WRX so I didn't even bother, but he keeps trying me and reving his engine. This sh!t pisses me off so I down shift and fly in and out of traffic and look for a spot to trap him.

I got to 50 where it merges from 3 lanes into 2. I fly by people and he's following me cuz traffic is thick. I swerve in front of truck which blocked him in and a old lady in an Accord blocked him in on the other side. And I'm laughing because even with his turbo and awd still couldn't get in front of me. I knew the traffic had a lot to do with it but I could tell he was pissed.

I just continued on to I-4 and they had to stop at a red light. What a dumbass that can't drive in traffic. Probably wasted more gas than I needed to but why do they do that sh!t?


Honda / Acura Fanatic
wrx's are good but they aint great..the one you gotta be afraid of is the sti i held my own against a wrx before ....well till 3'd gear....

Ominous G2

From a roll I could see you keeping up with a wrx in the traffic, they have a lot of turbo lag. But from a start, you have no chance in hell.


a.k.a. crabs!
im not one for weaving in and out of traffic just to race. but i would have went against a WRX on a straight away with no traffic. STI too just for the hell of it. i need to get more then just bolt ons. then maybe ill run into a guy like him and get some revenge for ya... even though you seemed to handle that pretty well lol
