Racing Voltage Stabilizer


New Member
Are racing voltage stabiilzers have what it takes to gain more hp? Do they really help increase power performance? I thinking of gettting one, heres the graph on what typre of improvements it would do. What is everyone elses opnion on votage stabilizers?


New Member
What Todd said. There is no reason to get one. 81% said they felt a diffrence. I wonder if this is kinda like a placebo effect?


token ex-mod
in a really high output car it makes a slight difference sometimes....
but some of the worlds fastest honda's use factory ignition....


New Member
Thanks for the opinions, i think im going to do my own experiment with the voltage stabilizer and see if there are any changes at all. They said it'll be about 10hp gain, but ill see about that. Btw, i already ordered the kit so i have no choice to see. In the bright side of it, i think it'll help with all the current resistances and increase ground. eh.


Honda / Acura Fanatic
woops i meant good luck with it man......anyways im going out boyz , im gonna bag some high school chicks lol cherry hill girls are eazzayy.


New Member
well i had one on my 7th gen civic, the apexi one. And before i had installed it i had my amp cutting out untill i hit like 2500 rpm and i couldnt crank it past 16 on the volume. After i installed it...... Lets just say i blew one of my subs. it works trust me.