Virginia 804 757


New Member
hey im new to the acura scene i had a cavalier and i bought me a 92 ls 4 dr teg. was wondering if anyone would like meet up at like a hooters in newprort news/ williamsburg area> be interested in meeting up with sum people once i get my engine sent up from florida.

I found a b18a1 with 95,000 miles on it sitiing at a place in florida for 800.00 shipped up here after its rebuilt. but after that id like to meet up. im thinking End of Nov? Throw out sum ideas. hooters or sumthin.


New Member
ah, too bad you couldn't get your engine sooner cause theres a huge fall meet this sat. in Newport news. I'm in 804 and 757 different times of the year, so might run into you one day.