Where should I put my subs


Trent Simon
So I have three 10" Kicker comps and I want to know where I should put them. I have a 96 Integra Sedan and I kind of like the thought of having them in the middle of the back seat or down in the spare wheel well. Any ideas?

ssbp dc2

New Member
Tire well sounds like a better plan. The back seat I think would be an easier target for theft. Plus theres a reason for 4 doors more whores!

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Well I'd say put them in your house...and leave them there :kidding:

At first I only read one sub, so my reply was gonna be "look up the spare tire well custom sub box"
That won'y work though, because you know.....3 subs. It looks like your only safe option is to build a box in the trunk and be like everyone else.


Name = John
Put them in the spare well, it looks sick when people can mount them there cleanly


Real Good!
with the room i say just put two of them in a custom box and they should sound nice, if u dont care about room (i dont when it comes to audio) then do all three wire them properly to the right amp.

keep them in the trunk, if u plan on keeping ur seats up point them towards the trunk, if u plan on playing them seats down then seal them off from the trunk and it should do work :thumbs up:

thats just my 2c


New Member
What kickers are they? I can tell you right now the spare tire well doesn't have the needed cubic air space for three 12's.
