^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^


New Member
hey new guy, id like to personally thank you for not starting a thread like every other noob... if you have any questions that you think i, or my roomate, could help, or your in the panhandle of florida lmk and ill hook you up with some beer and the answers that i can
Been on many of forums and finally learned to just read and read and read, then when you start acquiring parts, if you wish, start a build thread and ask questions you can't find by searching. I am sure I will spend many of nights in here venting and trying to figure things out. On the Florida part, nope, opposite coast for me.

I would love to know a surefire way to become a cop without previous military experience though if you have any tips8)


New Member
Thought of a question that I havent found a definite answer on. Since I wont be turbo'ing for quite a while I do want an exhaust. Being four door it seems there is not much of an option, so other than custom what is there? I believe I read that EG hatch exhaust fits but I cant find it again.