BlackInAction's Ninja Turtle Build Thread


New Member
Lol seems you guys are having a hayday in farfield/Vacaville. Haha forgot where OG is from. Car is coming along greatly!


Here's how it goes -

Kennan: I'm going to do this and it's going to be dope!
Kennan: Fuck, fuck, fuck; it's not as easy as it really should be so I'll get a bit violent with it
Keenan: Fuck, not it's broken; help me Patrick
Me: Wtf did you do, man?
Keenan: I tried to make it sexy too fast, fix it, dude
Me: You're going to have to rage quit on this shit
Keenan: No prob *Throws or hits whatever isn't working


Certified black kid
I have no idea where the uhh...the ummm......the circle jerking, good God.
I just installed tha lip today, it looks okay, but I need to drop. I'll get pics up later