car club?

Car club should be a group of guys/gals that are into cars and enjoy the company and gatherings.

Whether it is visual mods or performance mods, if you like you car and your into the car scene and enjoy the colaberation of others its a plus..

But IMO a "club" should have some sort of "niche" like all boosted, all import, all american, all one make etc.. I don't mind a mix of cars but having a beretta next to an integra next to a vette etc. looks a bit silly to me. and most the time those 3 people wont have the same kinda "experience" or be able to relate to one another as easily


i made a club, i feel, its like a wolf pack, and im the only wolf, i would like to add some wolves to the wolf pack, rofl jk, i just started thinkin bout the hangover :lol:


the sociological term group, means : 2 or more people, with at least 1 common goal, who have face to face contact regularly, and take each others behaviors into account, PS: cars are the common goal, so no theres no rule on car clubs lol


Stinkin & Drinkin
i belonged to a great club. we did fundraisers for a fallen officer in our city. did volunteer work. we actually helped society. we didnt hang out in a parking lot and stare at other modded cars.