Info on turbo type stuff?


My name matches again lol
You really need to know how much horse power that you want to produce and then you can figure out how much money that you want to spend because i just finished a 94 integra turbo and all together it was seven grand and that was everything turbo piping oil cooler all the good stuff and all that for 375 dyno horse power.
$7k?! Fuck! I'd be happy with just 200 to 250 hp. How much you think that'll be?

Shit was probably worth it though to mess with newer and more powerful cars though. $7k is better than $20-$30k for another car in that horsepower range.


New Member

BigMac88, I would have to say that this is a bold and incorrect statement........

"How about you just sell the teg and buy a subie or and evo, then just put a BOV and be a clueless noob like 90% of the people who drive them."

I also believe that a lot of the Ebay stuff is garbage when it comes to turbo. I myself have had serveral turbo'd cars and ebay isn't the greatest of places to acquire parts from. Not sure on CL, but do your best to stay away from Ebay.

Also I must say that through reading the post on the thread yall have a great deal of patiences fellas, my hat is off to yall!

As for the young guy attempting to gain a better understanding of turbos a bit of advice from my experience.......
There is a great deal of responsibility that comes with a turbocharged vehicle. Its not all about the "psssshhh sound". I dont know too terribly much about Acura, but I do know that it is a naturally aspirated/ speed density based motor. The already factory turbo'd vehicles run completely different type of pressure sensors. Though most do have MAP sensors like your vehicle, we run MAS. The are some products out there that can help you bring the gap, but without one 8 times out of 10 your car will run like crap when attempting high boost applications.

Another item people fail to mention in the hype of going turbo'd is the danger one imposes on their NA motor without the proper supporting mods. Basically you cant slap a turbo kit on your car, grab a manual boost controller and have at. Here lies another major difference in the motors is the internals. Not certain on Acuras, but more than likely you don't have forged parts. Without these and the use of an intercooler you are going to be limited to very low amounts of boost. I would say no more than 6psi and you are brave at 8 psi.

Something else to consider is what is your amount of knowledge of Air/Fuel ratios? Honestly we could start an entirely new thread on this subject alone. The comes into play with Injector sizes, retard or advancing timing, fuel pressure regs., what ~An fuel line to run and many many other factors.

In closing I would like to encourage you to become self taught in the vast amounts of knowledge these gentlemen have listed here, but in short take pride in the group of tuners you represent by owning an Acura.

Another piece of advice---Don't say things like i want the pssshh noise it sounds cool, to us TURBO'D DSM guys yall are always trying to beat, we begin to loose respect for the group when we hear this stuff. Squash it early.

hope this helps,



New Member
Baller another bit of advice for helping your understanding of turbos and how they work, besides this forum join one that is about turbo'd based motors. Something like, or you can go to those guys have a great deal of knowledge on going from non-turbo to turbo since they have NA motors.
