Lost my key


Resident Asshole
the dealer i went to just needed the vin off of my car, i already had one blank, i got an acura one form the dealer and both blanks cut for $6
Thats illegal and the #1 way thieves get keys made. You have to take in your registration or title along with a photo id. I had to get a key cut for my teg because I only had the valet key, it was 8 bucks at local Acura dealer. I had them cut me a couple extra just for spares.


Live & Die by Integras
Originally Posted by JDMxDB8 View Post
Go to your nearest Acura dealer, show them your Registration, and they'll cut your a new key.

they can do that?

I lost/misplaced my Integra...Can I go to the Acura dealer and have them make me a new one ??? Can they do that ? What type of info and identification/proof do I need to get a new Integra. LOL.


Live & Die by Integras
your registration and drivers license.
Wow...that's all I need to get a new integra from the dealer. That's easy enough. I thought I need a couple G's to get one. I should lose/misplace my integra more often. I think I'm going to the dealer right now and get me 3 teggys. Any recommendations what I should ask the dealer for? Thanks for the info.

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New Member
Sorry for bringing this thread back, but I lost my key also. I was wondering if you could bring it to a Honda Dealer? Because the nearest Acura Dealership isn't so near me.