Me Vs Turbo F150


teg driver
off the line a Turbo Diesel will eat shit... but take one from a 60 roll and they will WHOMP on you like crazy. i raced a fairly modified one from the dig and had him by 5 cars at 60 mph. the we went from a 60 roll and by the time i had hit 70 he was doing at least 85 or 90... it was intense :shock:

and shamwow... im totally getting one so i can dry my car after washing it with ease! lol!


New Member
well trucks are silly in general good for is pulling shit. when i had my teg people fucked with me all the time even trucks dont know why lol. like i'm going 5 over the speed limit like always and this truck dont remember what type gets on my ass and passes me and flips me off soo ends up me and him racing through traffic and me winning lol. real dangerous but had to show his fat old ass up. But of course i had my friend sit there and flip him off the hole time which made it more epic
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