ShinsenTuner's arduous journey to five speeds.


New and fresh.
So... kick me in the balls... but... I bought these because they were reaaaaaally a good price.

LITERALLY installed and then uninstalled by a local.

what? i want to be slammed... :p

also teh tranny is on sale... i'm getting a GSR one from a buddy and purchasing his VTEC head as well... pray for me to not go nuts being poor.


New Member
Hell YEAH!!!!

B18b auto to LS/VTEC with a GSR trans hahaha.

You're going to have TOOOO much fun with that.



Active Member
nice man. i dont know how the auto/manual chassis' are, but i know when i did mine on my db1, the tranny mount i believe wouldnt mount up unless i shimmed it or got the correct auto/manual trans mount, i forgot who made them


New and fresh.
Everything bolts up as long as I use the Hasport Auto->Manual mount. I could cut and weld the rear tranny mount... but I feel better just getting the adapter.


New Member
hey kiddo i've been seeing you driving around lately hahahaha but usually going the opposite way i'm going hahahahahaha i knew that 4dr looked awefully familiar