So Im back!!!!


i don't think you've missed much. mojo got banned once again a while back. i'm not sure if you were there for the grand finale. yeah, and we have a few more members.

*oh, and we have a new mod. the other eclipse guy. kyle. dc2gsr <i think.


save a a porno
lol mojo burned his bridge this time so i dont think he is ever coming back


The Transporter
DC2Integ said:
Haha what ever happend to good ol mojo ? is he ever comming back ?
Nope he is gone. Not too much changed. Lots of new faces. Trinh has graduated from an Umpa-Lump to a duck. And like Duckie said, dc2GS-R is now a mod.
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Unregistered User

I'm Kuchta. I don't think we were on at the same time, but you could probably call me a post whore... lol

you can call me any of the names below in my sig (preferably not "Bitchface" or "Shitface", but whatever floats your boat! lol)


Unregistered User
his name!

lol, above his avitar, where yours says obd1kenobi in black, his is blue like speedin's