TheSkygun's Tc thread


New Member
Yeah haha parting from it might have been hard then.
I'm enjoying the tC quicker then dustmite haha

Sent from JARVIS


didnt you plasti white your wheels? The latest pics show them stock.

I was about to order me a porter cable, but then i lost my job. Now i have all the time to karate kid my car with the wax on wax off motion


New Member
I took the plasti dip off due to filth haha

Sorry to hear about losing your job but now you can work out waxing the car

Sent from JARVIS


this will be my first. 23yrs of working and never had to do it. But since im in school now, its gotta be done.


yup, but when i was working FT, i wasnt qualified for Financial Aid. I needed to take 12+ credits and no way in hell was i gonna do that and work FT. Now im filing for both Financial Aid and Unemployment to see where i stand. I talked to a lady at work source and she said, if i find a job, i have to drop a class that conflicts work, or unemployment will drop me.