trans rebuild problems


level 77 troll
The extra minute could've saved you the much longer wait on the freeway

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New Member
You guys are crazy. I torque my wheels constantly. At the track I do it after every session. You would be surprised how loose they can get.


New Member
This whole wheel torqing thread robbery deal needs to take a back seat. End rant.

As for the mounts being the issue, I would go with the Innovative Black Mounts. They have angled bushings to reduce vibrations and come with a nice black powder coat. It's pretty much the only company I'll buy mounts from.


New Member
Why exactly would you not trust hasport? They are cad CNC machined and lifetime warranty... Where innovative actually states that they have NO warranty at all and all products are sold "as is".
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New Member
Why exactly would you not trust hasport? They are cad CNC machined and lifetime warranty... Where innovative actually states that they have NO warranty at all and all products are sold "as is".
I never said I didn't trust Hasport. They make great products and I had them in my old CRX. I just prefer the Innovative Mount design with the bushings that are tapered to reduce vibrations. Personal preference to be honest. My Innovative mounts have been through hell and back without a single issue, and for the price point they can't be beat.
