Why i lost my license

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New Member
Stop posting in this stupid kids thread.
He made it knowing it would cause controversy and it's like a fire you keep feeding when you post.
But it is funny to watch this 12 y.o kid change his story and make a ass of himself


south carolina. But anyways im just relaying what happened and what i seen... you can call me a dumbass but if i saw somethin that yall havent doesnt that make yall the dumbasses?
Listen sandy cheeks, Integras cannot go 175. the fact that you even attempted to run from the cops makes you the dumbass. And if you used this kind of logic in your conversation with the cops, then you're lucky they didn't throw you in there with your GF.


Stop posting in this stupid kids thread.
He made it knowing it would cause controversy and it's like a fire you keep feeding when you post.
But it is funny to watch this 12 y.o kid change his story and make a ass of himself
and when did my story change? or did you just get lost reading it?


And people wonder why Teggy insurance is so F*CKING high. Because of dumbass idiot drivers that try to evade cops in a 'stock' Integra. Thanks to you, I can only afford liability insurance on my rusty 94 LS. On top of the fact that the 94 LS DC2 in R81 is the second most stolen car in the US, we have f*ck up kids driving around like retards "evading the cops" You, sir, belong right next to that girlfriend of yours in the mental hospital. It isn't easy to shift in a straight jacket, is it?


Real Good!
whats the retail on one of those?
"more than you can afford, Ferrari / Integra spec....." then steps on gas and revs motor....
Vin then turns and says "smoke em" as he passes the joint..
lmfao jajjajaja
Xion or w.e ur dumbass name is must have been
Oh s***! We got cops, cops, cops, cops!
"there were massive cops out there!"
...."yeah that s*** was orchestrated doggg."
hahaha the F&F quotes always make me laugh

btw im 22

and when did my story change? or did you just get lost reading it?

You should have your license taken away until you're 60 years old. 100 is not only how fast you went, it is how many brain cells you possess.

Edit: I gave him rep...positive rep by accident. I meant to give neg. If a mod could fix that for me I'd be ever so grateful.
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