Wisdom teeth removed


actually has an FB6 now.
Got them removed today and i gotta say, it's the worst pain i've ever experienced in my life ever.

i had 4 wisdom teeth. only 3 were removed because it already added up to $2000+ and my health insurance policy/plan didn't allow me to take out the 4th, which would make the total much more. Don't know why, but i'm glad that had happened regardless of how my parents picked out the policy or whatever they call it. But then again, maybe my insurance also sucked because i didn't get put to sleep. They shot my cheeks and the area of the teeth a bunch of times. i lost count. Also, the DDS dentist man was a douche bag and when i told him that i can actually feel the damn drill and that the numbing medicine was wearing off, he told me i was exaggerating.

No swelling...yet. Still bleeding. I can barely open my mouth and i have to talk with my mouth closed and no one understands me. i have drank a massive amount of room temperature/warm water. i have eaten over 12 standard sized cups of jello. i tried to sneak some hot cheeto puffs, but didn't work out well. and i ate a ramen cup noodle.

i miss food and being able to open my mouth. i shall never take them for granted ever again.

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New Member
Ouch. So i guess you will have to live with the 4th tooth in there. :lol: I know it has nothing to do with this but i got hit in the face and the numbing needle hurt more than the mother fuckers punch. I don't think it was a good idea to sneak a HOT cheeto puff in there.


actually has an FB6 now.
Yeah. Luckily, the 4th tooth is on top and it's fairly easy to take off and nearly painless when the medicine crap was working.

EXACTLY. Those needles man...ridiculous. So much pain. i was hoping that i would be put to sleep so i don't feel anything and that i could be a youtube star and make money by having my brother record my hallucinating antics post-surgery, but the DDS said they do not offer it there.

As soon as i find out i will be injecting by tons of needles..i nearly shat my pants.

And as for the puff, i was desperate and it was the closest thing to me. i ate 2 pieces. the first piece went in and i felt like i was in heaven. the 2nd piece..well..it got nearly stuck on the left side of my mouth and i didn't know what to do. couldn't open my mouth because it would hurt and for some reason, i felt as if i couldn't even move my tongue. luckily, i just kept on sucking in air. the piece of puff went down my throat eventually.
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New Member
Good thing you didn't choke. The needles were a BITCH. I remember when they were about to put it in i told them to tell me like a couple seconds before so i could be ready.

Ill be getting braces soon so hopefully it has nothing to do with pain. :(

Get well man.


New Member
i only have 3 wisdom teeth. the 4th isn't there for whatever reason. gonna have to look into getting them removed once i get back home. not looking forward to it.

braces don't hurt but because you have them for so long it sucks. i remember when i had em... 3 years and when the day came to take em out i could hardly believe it was happening.


I got mine done last summer. They put me completely under so I wasn't awake for it. I didn't remember going under so it was really messed up waking up in another room with cotton balls in my mouth and being high as a kite. I couldn't feel my mouth for a solid 4 hours after I woke up. It sounds like you had a shitty experience...


that sucks, i got put to sleep, and woke up TRIPPING BALLS hahahah it was epic, they where pushing me to the car in a wheelchair because i could barely stand and i thought i was flying ahahaha


New Member
the only thing ill say about mine getting taken out was it was done by the army and i felt them crunch the first one....


New Member
Shit I would have got up and walked out if they weren't gonna put me under. I was out cold for mine, woke up with a mouthful of blood and gauze. I stopped the pain meds the following day because whatever they gave me keep me awake. Sounds like your surgeon is a sadist...

As for braces, eat when you first get them, a few hours after they are on, your teeth hurt like hell.


nothing from nowhere
i cant believe they kept you awake, and damm horse doctors about pain, if it hurts, it hurts, give me more.kinda sucks they didnt do the forth but in due time man


Registered Abuser
if theres one thing that gets me, its my mouth. im a pussy when it comes to dentistry work. i feel your pain, i got all 4 ripped out and i looked like a squirrel for like a week.


actually has an FB6 now.
yeah. it sucked. i was hoping to get put to sleep because my friend literally told me he just woke up with the gauze in his mouth. no pain yet and didn't remember anything, but nope.

and yes. i was at the point where it started wearing off and i can feel the drill going in bit by bit. it was like someone just put a ball of foil on my teeth and just kept on pushing the ball of foil onto my teeth.

but at least i'm healed up for the most part. i stopped bleeding the same night. i'm a bit swollen and my face isn't as poofy as i thought it would be. i still can't open my mouth as much as i want, but enough to at least nibble now on jello. haha.