Your car can be bugged with GPS without a warrant


Super Duper Moderator
In Cali and 8 other western states, police can stick a GPS tracking device under your car and track your movements without getting a warrant from a judge first. A judge on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that you have no reasonable expectation of privacy if your car is parked in your own driveway (unless it's in a garage).


In 2007 the DEA suspected an Oregon resident of growing/selling weed, they went to his house late at night, stuck a GPS tracker to his Jeep while it was parked in his driveway, and later busted him. He plead guilty to growing, but is appealing the evidence gathered via the GPS tracker.
The case is expected to go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.


RS owner
if i found one under my car, i'd tie it to a squirrel..

that is if they could get under my car without jacking it up.. slammed ftw!!


Seriously in Cali too? Cuz one night I just started to drive n like 2 blocks away I got pulled over for no reason n then he said cuz of my Front end being modified and he let me go lol


Super Duper Moderator
I'm assuming the 9 states where this can happen are the 9 states covered by the 9th Curcuit Court:

Cali, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Alaska and Hawaii.

The 9th Curcuit is notoriously the single nuttiest, left-wing Appeals court in the country. Jokingly called The 9th Circus, they base their rulings on ideology, feelings and political correctness, not the law. It's the Court that is always trying to legalize gay marriage and pot, partial birth abortions and abortions for 6th graders without parental consent, rights and privlegas for illegal aliens. They're freakin' whacked out, Ivy League school indoctrinated, loony tune lefty's who hate the United States as it is. You know, Obama's kind of people.
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