Things that annoy you thread.


Active Member
Fat chicks who say shit like "I'm proud of my body" or "big and proud" but proceed to show the world how they really feel by taking selfies at a downward angle and up close to hide the fat double chin under their cheeks and to hide their cow sized body and try to look skinny.

If you are a big and proud, quit catfishing people to fool them into thinking your some thin hot bitch.


New Member
I agree joe. And they talk s*** on skinny girls too. I love when they get all b****y and think they are hot s***. Then get mad when they find out the guy wasn't in to them. Or my favorite the one who is a bitch and thinks guys don't like them cause they are big...its cause you are a bitch!


New Member
I work for Nordstrom in Brea, CA. Females that work here are either super fine or big girls who think they are. Whoever does the hiring deserves a medal though, because some of the hottest girls a have ever seen(model hot) work there. But for some reason they are all nice. Only the big girls are bitchy...irony.


The other asshole

I find it funny when those pissy fat people bitch and hate at skinny people like it's our fault we're not fat too.


No fucks given.
Great reasoning there.... That's like me saying I GMC Sierra's annoy me without giving an explanation why.


I'm a gearheAd
Y'all some butt buddies lol
Can't say how many times I've been almost hit while driving by those fuckers. It's like their 50 MPG gets in their way of the ability to drive.


Reppin' tha NW
My wife wants a Prius....

Fat people blame it as a disease. Eating disorder etc.

Really you just need to put the fucking French fries and Big Mac down for fuck sakes.


The other asshole
Fat people blame it as a disease. Eating disorder etc.
I'm not a hater, If you're on the heavy side then that's okay but it's a lot of peoples attitudes when they're fat.

Like my family for example, None of them are really fat but they're not thin and they're always like "You don't look healthy" you need to eat more :rolf:


I didn't realize working out everyday and eating enough for 4 people wasn't a healthy lifestyle.

I may only weigh 170lbs but if I take my shirt off you certainly can't see more than 4 of my ribs :lol:

And when I bake those oven pizzas, I eat the whole f***ing thing myself :mrgreen: