be wary of WRX-Killer


Legalize Illegal Aliens
You tried to hire me for doing wire tucks and I turned it down. We set up a time to meet up so I could see if I was going to vouch for your work. You didn't show up and you didn't answer your phone. Shortly after that I started getting all these complaints about you through PM, so I disassociated myself from you. That's when you called me up offering shit which I turned down.

All the installs I took were for content for the site. I took days off of work to do the installs and then charged the customer for my missed income. Once I had all the cars I wanted, I stopped taking installs.

What ITR group buy? What is all this fake business you're making up? You tried to send me business?! I QUIT DOING INSTALLS. I don't do installs. I MOVED. I've told you this. I'm not here doing business, that's what you don't get. My ambition wasn't to be a car audio installer my whole life. That was basically a job I had while going to college.

I did that car what, 5 years ago? So you were supposedly sitting on this bomb all this time? Why didn't you drop that when I called you out on Honda-Tech when you had so much more to lose? Why didn't the customer contact me so I could make it right? Why didn't he call me out on the forum?

I've never had one negative post made about me or my work. What do you have to say about the dozens of posts you get against you? "It speakers for itsself".

Actually don't reply. This is pointless. I don't do business and I honestly don't care about my rep. You dragged me back to this because you're a liar calling me a liar. There are more interesting things going on.
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New Member
Yes, everything I said was a lie. Your 100% right! Trust me. There are plenty of people that know the truth. I am not going to have a e thug war with you. If people beleive you, good. Those are not the customers I need. I don't need single minded people that trust people like you. And I'll be waiting on the day that you could have one of my customers call me and verify that you worked on any car that I have done. I don't see that happing. I am threw with you sean, shawn or how ever you spell your name. Say what you want. I done with you.


Quick-Spool Racing LLC
Can a mod just lock this? These flame wars are getting out of control. Wrx-killer, there seems to be some discontent with your performance on HT, I get it, shit happens, we all get busy/lazy/mess things up. I hope you do good business here and keep a good track record here. Don't get into a back forth man, it doesn't make anyone look good. Either side. Let's all get along and help each other out.


Yolo Whippin'
Can a mod just lock this? These flame wars are getting out of control. Wrx-killer, there seems to be some discontent with your performance on HT, I get it, shit happens, we all get busy/lazy/mess things up. I hope you do good business here and keep a good track record here. Don't get into a back forth man, it doesn't make anyone look good. Either side. Let's all get along and help each other out.
killing the fun... this is good ol' CI drama.


I'll have to agree. WRX-Killer seems to be getting all offended by it, yet says that he doesn't care.
Not really sure why he bothered to reply anyways.

I agree with you thenoxus1.

However it is amusing. :D


The Transporter
Can a mod just lock this? These flame wars are getting out of control. Wrx-killer, there seems to be some discontent with your performance on HT, I get it, shit happens, we all get busy/lazy/mess things up. I hope you do good business here and keep a good track record here. Don't get into a back forth man, it doesn't make anyone look good. Either side. Let's all get along and help each other out.
I know what your saying, but as heated as this may be their still being civil about it. I just want to find out the truth behind this now, not sure who to believe at this point.



New Member
Can a mod just lock this? These flame wars are getting out of control. Wrx-killer, there seems to be some discontent with your performance on HT, I get it, shit happens, we all get busy/lazy/mess things up. I hope you do good business here and keep a good track record here. Don't get into a back forth man, it doesn't make anyone look good. Either side. Let's all get along and help each other out.
Yes, there are a couple of people that had a ruff transaction. But there transactions with shipping. Once I ship its out of my hands. I can not control it. If you don't sign for it. Thats not my fault its returned. If I send something to your po box and you say the po box owner will sign for it and they don't its not my fault.

Its only issues with shipping that all these threads come up to. And I allways make things right. There is never any problems with walk ins or anything. And I feel I go out of my way for customes and memebers on fourms that I belong to. If your on the east coast. I do take calls if I up and not sleep. Hell I helped a dude out at 3 in the morning because his car did not start. Only reason I respond to this is becasue I not going to have someone drag my name thru the mud and not reply. Looks bad. Especially from someone that does not deal with me or know the true stories behind on what really going on. I could see if he was a employee that was involed and was a whistle blower. All he is doing posting a thread from someone that did not get something on time that got there package when they signed for it.

I had a customer package returned by the post master last week because now you have to ship batteries with a certiant label. I did not know that. I also had a package opened because when they x-rayed it they thought it was a bomb.

I'll let people make there own decision. You see my rep page on h-t. Think all those people been scammed. I think not. I would not be were I am at today without them. Also I been calling all my customers/members that I have worked on there cars that could of went to him. All of them had sayied no. Why would we. So I waiting on that to come to air.

Sorry my spelling does suck.
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Well I will say that scammers don't usually stick around. There's always going to be unhappy customers. This is why businesses need ways for people to leave feedback, If I look at a seller/product and it has 25 good reviews and 2 bad ones, I pretty sure I would consider it. I have website, I have a place to leave feedback, I'm not a business but one day who knows, if you don't have something like this setup already, you should think about it.