Teggykid Log


New Member
hey man nice job on the body and paint, to bad u had to sell the rims, i liked the color bronze. can't wait to see pics on the tranny swap, keep up the good work


New Member
hey man nice job on the body and paint, to bad u had to sell the rims, i liked the color bronze. can't wait to see pics on the tranny swap, keep up the good work
I never sold the Drag's haha. They have been on the Civic because I've been driving that. I'm eventually selling them to a friend but I have to put 2 new tires on mine and he's gonna wear down the brand new tires he put on his right before I offered to sell mine, haha. Bad timing. Basically just making the deal even. But I'm not in a rush anyways. I'm going to need about $400 plus the $600 I'm selling the Drag's for to buy my next set of wheels. XXR 521's in silver, can't wait for those!


New Member
Really? Because I've never seen people with tegs rocking them. I see them on lots of Nissans, Miatas, ect but never any tegs


New Member
I take that back. The ones i was thinking was the 501.
I think the 521 will look great.


New Member
Alrighty haha. Yeah I was contemplating those for the longest time. Then I found the 521's and fell in love with them


New Member
Alright well the deal with the clutch is I am getting a Competition Stage 2 from a friend for a good price so look forward to that. Today, we actually started on the car. We figured we would go ahead and do as much of the inside as possible first. About half way done I'd say. Got a bunch of stuff out and the pedal assembly mounted along with the hole for the clutch cable and all that good stuff. Here's some pics! Maybe some more work tomorrow. Doubt it though since dad'll be watching NASCAR. I'll see what happens



New Member
Idk man. Most of the time when people say that they are being sarcastic. ANOTHER hater? Haha I've had my fair share. I highly doubt it was sarcastic though, just messing with you cted :D