2006 SEMA SHOW that im missing out on


well guys in vegas this week is the annual sema show were anybody whos anybody is there repint their shops products or their projects. i was lucky this year i had gotten 5 passes to the show from the sema director and 3 V.I.P passes to get into the after show parties(wich are sick ass fuck) but my plans were canceled!!!!!!!!!!!!! My lovely wife threw a curve ball at me she said "i cant belive ur going to vegas this year when u just when on january of this same year and plus u just had a 2 month old child that ur going to abbandone for 5 days that b.s... so i felt bad and gave my owner badge and passes to my boys and my vip tickets to them also. this sucks i really wanted to go , i mean i go every year but this year i got the hook up on passes and vip passes and trust me their really hard to get. i know some of u are going to ask well why dont u just take her with u?? i have in the past but she hates the vegas atmosphere she said its a nasty city(wich i totally dissagree ) she hates going to vegas but i love vegas its like my second home every year i go like 3 to 4 times plus the night life in vegas is so great. im just pissed cuz she used my baby to prevent me from going she know thats why weak point. man i just cant belive for 4 years straight ive been in this show and im going to miss it this year thammmmmmmmmmmm that sucks, and she still has the nerve to say im not family orientaited or that i dont love her


i woulda gone anyway, but that's probably why i'm still single lol... sucks that you can't go. family is important, don't get me wrong. you should try and talk to your wife about it. it's something that you've been looking forward to, ya know?