2010 Members Mug Shots!!!


New Member
This was photo edited (only colorwise):

Here is just a random normal picture (I don't have my eyebrow pierced anymore):

I do alot of "model practicing". So..my pictures may seem a bit conceited. :(
Nothing wrong with being a little conceited, IMO. :)

Also, model practicing is gonna get you hit on alot on here lol.

Nothing wrong with guys/people making you feel good about yourself, but I highly doubt it is gonna be for reasons you wanna know about lol.


touge beast
heres one of me from a few years ago.. i still look the same, just have 4 earrings in that ear now.

yeah i was asking you wow there cool as hell im sorry but ive never seen eyes like urs before i was just staring at them (not in a creepy way) just amazed lol

i have amazing eyes too :|

dont stare.

trinh's turn.