2011 Members Mug Shots!!!


Idk what to put here...

in case no one knows, thats the french flag lol im like 99% Cajun French and like 1% german..


New Member
Here's me at Crane Beach in Ipswich, MA this past weekend when we went on a roadtrip.

Whatchu lookin' at?

Come at me ocean!

The ocean won :( And it took my aviators as a reminder not to fuck wth it.


New Member
The Car: (living up to the surferman title)

The doggy:

Me and my gf: (i was a little toast)

Me and my gf part 2 (she was a little toast)

Me high as a stock integra: (and hungry)

And a nice photo for the haters:


Well-Known Member
i've got a wierd mix :/
lots of irish, cherokee indian, german, polish, and english. mostly irish. if you type in google "corr" and the word "ireland" you get a ton of results from my cousins...

this was during my week of no lip ring