^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^


this crazy bitch tried to say we took one of her ugly ass rims on her old POS bimmer. she was so fucking ghetto. "i want my rims! I want my rims back!" stupid bitch. she was making a big scene in front of the shop. we didn't take your rim. you're lucky we even put air in your tires, because the rears were at 12 PSI! unappreciative old hag. the car came in on a spare and her original wheel was in her trunk. when we popped the trunk to show her, she changed the story to, "you guys change my tire! that's not my tire. i KNOW that's not my tire!" LOL fricking mental. for what reason would we want her no-name tire or her nasty ass chrome rim? she needs to quit smoking crack.


i wish she would have taken her car and left. she wants more stuff done now. ugh. should NOT have given her a discount. waste of time. it is waaay too hot for this.