Blox Racing 'mini race' mufflers.

Ted's Owner

On to Integra number two!
This is what I want my car to sound like and mostly because I want to make mine a rally car.

[YOUTUBE="Toda vtec killers"]dHVCyj4GqPo[/YOUTUBE]
That sounds like a built weedeater, ha-ha. But, it does have a distinct 'rally' feel to it.
Anyways, so [everyone] I need more thoughts about this muffler. I'm trying to make a decision by Saturday morning so I can order it when I get paid. I've got a couple questions I thought of when on a Wal-Mart run:

Will the exhaust still 'sound' legal with a cat and a resonator?
Does anyone have a chart with the dB rating of this muffler?
' ' with the flow rating of this muffler?
' ' own this muffler? If so, thoughts?

Ted's Owner

On to Integra number two!
I think he forgot his 2-cycle oil.
Nah. To each his own. Just because it's not my preference or yours doesn't mean he can't take off and run with it. If he likes the sound of it and wants his to sound that way, more power to him. That's one thing I like about cars -- you rarely ever see two cars built the same...unless it's for a movie.
Besides, I'd be intimidated if my Weed Eater pulled up to me at a stoplight and sounded like that. It may not sound like I would have it sound, but I can guarantee it'd smoke me in a straight line race with no traffic.


The other asshole
This is what it would sound like with the racing exhaust installed

[YOUTUBE="Rally car"]5u5lZGFWoBg[/YOUTUBE]

Sorry, I've gone completely off topic now. :lol:

Ted's Owner

On to Integra number two!
This is what it would sound like with the racing exhaust installed

[YOUTUBE="Rally car"]5u5lZGFWoBg[/YOUTUBE]

Sorry, I've gone completely off topic now. :lol:
It's cool, man. I try not to limit my posts to one thing anyways. And that doesn't sound too bad. :)


Off topic here...but i'm pretty sure I remember that R being for sale a while ago.
the wheels are off some old Infiniti and he has the stock wheels as well. I wanna say it was on HT, but I forget.