car was stolen


New Member

listen buddy. im not just some punk internet dweeb that just grew a set of online balls. personally you dont know me. so try not to place judgement. i came on here to vent cuz i knew people could relate. for what its worth..... as a progressive MMA fighter, i think i can handle my own : ) im not trying to come off as a jerk guys. im just trying to blow off some steam.
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Jointhe Wingless Movement
I wouldnt if you are a trained fighter cuz it wont just be assault i am pretty sure it would be assault w/ a deadly weapon... since you are trained and all.... i hang with a few fighters and thats why they never get in fights


New Member
very true. i have been talkin to my trainer a lot about it. between our discussions and the non stop time i have been spending in the ring, i have calmed down a lot

listen buddy. im not just some punk internet dweeb that just grew a set of online balls. personally you dont know me. so try not to place judgement. i came on here to vent cuz i knew people could relate. for what its worth..... as a progressive MMA fighter, i think i can handle my own : ) im not trying to come off as a jerk guys. im just trying to blow off some steam.
I was not passing judgement on you. I just said it's easy to run your lips online and I explained what I wouldnt do. I can tell your not trying to come off as a jerk. MMA fighter huh? Have you had any fights yet? any vid's? I'm not doubting you by any means, I just like to see what's out there you know? Oh by the way, I won tickets today for the mwcc in desmoines next friday:woot:


New Member
8 fights. 7 and 1. i tapped out on a triangle choke. i didnt want to but i was on the verge of blacking out. plenty of vids of fights and training but they are in the possession of my gym for training purposes. call bs if you need to. im not here to impress anyone. id be stoked about those tickets bro


New Member
i agree with the CI meet to kick this guys ass... im down for some head smashing and curb stomping...

just don't curb him like american history.. that shiet was insane.. Glad you got your car back unlike most peeps including me who had their baby stolen and never returned..


new driver
how about you make him rebuild a new motor while chained up and watch over him with a whip...then he would appreciate cars and be a better person !! :D