CI key band things...


New Member
im pretty new to this site and i saw the CI key chain band things and want one but there always sold out? =\
what up with that?


New Member
The lanyards aren't gonna be in stock for a while because the company that they got them from I think shut down. Something like that, I forgot what happened.


Seems like a sturdy lanyard. I went on a CI merchandise spree awhile back. Hence the beanie, lanyard and premium membership lol.


I put mine on my keys, realized I don't LIKE lanyards on my keys.. then I attached it to my camera lol.


thats right.
lol i only put mine on if im going out, if i go to work i take it off cuz i dont want food/chemicals etc spilled on it :lol:


I have one of those.. clip things? Like what climbers use? Haha.
Anyways, I only keep three keys on it. (The cars that I drive.)

My truck has my other 2-3 vehicle keys in the ignition, and any others are scattered around my house lol.


RS owner
Well I had it on the Teg's keys but having it hang down when it's in the ignition bugs me lol.
thats why i put it on the shifter why i drive.
my old one came apart at the metal clasp that holds the loop. it got caught on something while i was walking. ive since bought a new lanyard.