Civic Acura?


The Transporter
im in florida and i saw a car with a ontario licence plate on it today. but heres the wierd thing. the car looked like a civic but the rear lights were HUGE and its headlights were blacked out. and it was a acura! :shock: .ive heard of these cars but to accually see one IN FLORIDA! :shock: . and it was bran new. looked really weird. anyways, i just thought it was a little wired. now mabye if i lived near the border i could understand.


Money Getter
its an Acura EL .. i was one last month at the mall with Canada plates on it ..

when i saw it i was like WTF??!!


The Transporter
Todd said:
it's a civic with cosmetic differences, personally i dont care for them
yea the back end is ugly. but the front looks good. looks like a civic crossed with a rsx


Super Duper Moderator
I just saw one of those for the first time myself like 2 months ago. It an Acura 1.6 EL, it has a 1.6L SOHC VTEC engine, 128HP. They're sold in Canada, the one I saw had Quebec plates. I've been told it's basically a Civic EX with leather and different front/rear bumper. I liked the way it looked, I was actually thinking about doing the EL trunk/taillight conversion on my 98 Civic LX, since my trunk lid doesn't line up with the body anymore (from the previous owner throwing the lid open too hard), and the car would look a lot better with a wing, too. And since my Civic has the ugliest style of OEM taillights they put on the 4 door 96-98 Civic's, I could get rid of those.


The Transporter
i think the back lights are "overkill" their huge. its like they came off an suv. but like i said the front is like a civic/rsx. and its HOT!


New Member
WOW! I just went to the Acura website and saw how much that car is. Damn 24g's + ! Thats a lot of money for a 4 door civic with leather interior, and a slightly different look.I would get a base model RSX for that price.


New Member
Oh yeah Tegsox congrats again .......I saw the RedSox recieve their trophy and rings the other day. Good luck this season bro.


Super Duper Moderator
01cleatus said:
WOW! I just went to the Acura website and saw how much that car is. Damn 24g's + ! Thats a lot of money for a 4 door civic with leather interior, and a slightly different look.I would get a base model RSX for that price.
Was that price is U.S. dollars or Canadian? Because 24 G's Canadian is like 14-16 G's American, I believe.

Actually, they got the trophy right after WS Game 4 was over, but yeah, they got their rings Monday. :) , and then proceeded to spank Yankee ass again, 8-1. It was a nice day. Sox and Yanks are off to rough starts this year, but we'll both be there at the end.


New Member
Those things are everywhere in Vancouver. My friend has one...nothing special. It's basically a more luxury version of a civic sedan. I don't care much for them either. :)


New Member
u guys have any pics cause im not really seeing what you mean (cause i never saw it before i think).

greetz sis